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February 9th, 2010 @ 9:35 am
Subject: You there?

You have one (1) unread message. )

Subject: You there?

You have one (1) unread message. )
4 R C M E

February 9th, 2010 @ 12:45 pm
Subject: Please help me

You have one (1) unread message. )
1 R C M E

February 9th, 2010 @ 6:47 pm
WHO: Charles, Brian, Betsy
WHAT: A meeting.
WHERE: Restaurant in North Salem
WHEN: Tuesday evening

Brian came marching up the stairs to the Professor's office, meaning to talk to him about the Betsy issue. When he came within view of the office he saw that Xavier had a coat in hand and was leaving his office. "Professor, you got a minute?" he asked.

Xavier motioned for Brian to follow as he started towards the elevator. "Actually, no, I was on my way out. But I want you to come with me. And please, it's just Charles now."

"It's really important. I think someone is pretending to be Betsy," he rambled out quickly.

"I know. And I'm going to meet her now. Some come along quickly. We don't want to be late."

Fifteen minutes later Brian was helping Xavier unload his wheelchair from the car outside 121.
85 R C M E

February 9th, 2010 @ 6:48 pm
Who? Susan and Reed
Where? Baxter Building
When? Wednesday mid-morning
What? Response to this
Rating? TBD

Ummm... no )
74 R C M E

February 9th, 2010 @ 9:27 pm
WHO: Zeb and Doom
WHAT: Another meeting that doesn't end so well for Zeb
WHERE: A loft Doom is renting in the city.
WHEN: Wednesday morning

Zeb met early with Victor, arriving at his rented loft in the city in time for breakfast. Doom was already up and dressed, looking more like a US President than a manic, masked dictator. He offered the purple boy coffee and a bagel while he finished replying to an email on his Blackberry. When he put the phone down he looked straight at Zeb.

"Mr. Killgrave, I'm sure you are anxious to hear of my purpose for calling you here."

"I have many uses," Zeb said, smiling, "All revolving around one talent."

"It is important to me that Latveria be able to expand its borders without the meddling interference of the United States. France and Russia can be paid off and England will do whatever brother Obama tells them. I would like to ensure that the Senate passes my bill. The neighboring countries have resources that could be very beneficial to allies of mine. And perhaps you too?"

Money? Power? Zeb was waiting to be promised the world for his talents. "And you need me then to convince them?"

"I'm glad I don't have to spell it out for you."

"One thing," Zeb said. "Croatia is untouched. I do not want war near my mother's home."

"You see, Mr. Killgrave, you're not really in the position to make demands as I wasn't going to pay you in the first place." He cut Zeb off before he could interject. "You are useful but I frankly don't trust you."

One of Doom's men had walked up behind Zeb. With a nod from Doom he injected Zeb quickly in the neck. The boy fell back off his chair. Victor got up, laughing as Zeb was picked up to be hauled away. "I'm afraid I only want you for your body, Mr. Killgrave."

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