Team Darklord's Journal
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Monday, October 13th, 2008

    Time Event
    Update Number 41!
    Wow, we're really plowing away here at the updates. Already we're up to 41 and it won't be long until we hit the big 5-0. I'd like to thank the mods for flinging updates at me every which way. Mizstorge got ten points for beaning me in the head while reignofthenight got a solid twenty for making me bleed. You guys rock. Hopefully one day, I can do the same for you.

    As always, we accept recs from our audience members! If you've got anything to share, feel free to either reply in the comments or email a mod!

    Misc. & Fics )

    Art & Featured Vid )

    Read and review!
    And let the authors/artists know you found it at [info]team_darklord

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