November 21st, 2008

[info]skilledtorment in [info]tdc_logs

Who? Angelus, Faith and Buffy
What? Angelus gets what's coming to him
When? When the girls come back home from looking for Quinn
Why? It's time for Angelus to bite the dust
Warnings: Character death, violence and angst

After Emily left I went back to working on the cage door, imagine my surprise when another guest showed up. I let my eyes follow her as she made her way into the room, concern etched across her face mixed with a little bit of fear and betrayal somewhere deep inside her. Her little fingers wrapped around the bar as she asked if I was okay, if they had hurt me much. I just smiled tenderly at her as I watched her search Faith's drawers for the key to let me out. I knew Faith had it on her, she wasn't that stupid to think Quinn wouldn't come back here looking for a way to bust me out.

I lured her back over to me and talked softly to her letting her know I was fine, I would be out in no time. She rested her little forehead against the bars and cried tears for her trapped Daddy and expressed how angry she was for everyone having locked me up. I wiped away her tears and smoothed the hair from her face and kissed her cheek softly, Daddy was always going to be okay. Daddy was always going to come out on top no matter what it takes, and with that I whipped her around and slammed her head hard into the metal bars of the cage. A few more hard slams to the skull and she was limp in my arms.

"Daddy always gets what Daddy wants, baby girl." I whispered to her as I looped my arm around her throat and listened as the front door opened and I could just smell Faith. You never forget what someone tastes or smells like once you've had them, it is incredible. I remained as silent as possible as I listened to her move around the room, to the kitchen for a bottle of water. I didn't sense Buffy with her, interesting, Buffy had been glued to her side since I landed in this cage. She was scared to death that she was going to stake me, don't blame her after what I'd done to her kids and Emily. I'd want to stake me too.

"Faith." I said in a deadly calm voice and I could hear her heart rate pick up a bit as she started toward the room. She kicked the door open gently with the toe of her boot and I smirked as the color drained from her face as she saw I had sweet little Quinn held tightly around the throat against the bars. "I was wondering when you were going to come home, how about we make a deal baby? You get your little key and let me out of here and I won't have to snap the little baby's neck, hmmm? What do you say?"