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[15 Jan 2013|12:30pm]


did you watch girls on sunday? please discuss it with me if you did. shoshanna is my spirt animal.
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frankilymydear [05 Jan 2013|11:53pm]

[ music | i love the bermuda triangle, i dont know why, its just fascinating ]

What's something you find fascinating?
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[30 Dec 2012|06:39pm]


im real excited for 2013 idk why. maybe cuz im ready for the new years parties idk. what's your best moment of 2012? or your favorite? mine is getting claudia to change her last name
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customs anyone? [18 Dec 2012|05:05pm]


Am I missing something here?? I mean, I know it is POSSIBLE to do condom-necessary activities on a picnic, but.....????

Okay, sorry...I'm on a serious meme kick today. Show me your favs pleaaase.
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im excited for the break, where is everyone heading? [17 Dec 2012|01:18am]

[ music | home to eugene. ]

Do you have any holiday traditions you can't seem to avoid? I never really feel like it's Christmas until I hear this song on the radio.
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machiiavellian, customs, FB! [06 Dec 2012|08:42pm]

Hi, I'm Machi. I like planets and stars.

staaaaaaars )

When you were a kid, what did you want to grow up to be?

For me it was:

1. Lizard wrangler
2. Frankenstein
3. Scientist
4. Astronaut
5. Physicist
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alekirons or customs! [01 Dec 2012|12:20am]

Fun physics facts:

+Studies suggest that observing a particle can change what happened to another particle--in the past. This has been observed on a small scale involving fractions of seconds but scientists have suggested that light from distant stars that has bent around a gravitational well in between one another could act the same way, meaning that observing something now could change what happened millions of years ago.

+The faster you move, the heavier you get. Mainly this involves traveling at the speed of light and then adding energy, which converts to mass because it has to go somewhere. Because mass and energy are equivalent, once an object reaches an appreciable fraction of the speed of light its mass will increase rapidly.

+If there is life on another planet, and they observe the Earth in the sky, they are quite possibly looking at the Earth that existed when dinosaurs roamed depending on the distance that system is from us. This makes it theoretically possible to look so far into the universe so as to see the beginning of time.

Hey, I'm Alek, and I apologize if some of that was a little heavy and boring. I'm a physics nut and so this kind of stuff blew my mind when I first learned about it. But not everyone is into this sort of thing, so share with me a fact that's blown your mind.
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What are you currently hooked on? [26 Oct 2012|02:53pm]



It's on episode 4 of 5. I just finished the 4th one. I'm obsessed with it though. Favorite line of any character was the quote from John Donne. It fit. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." - Chuck. Climactic.
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yes i cant wait for kill bill 3 [21 Oct 2012|08:48pm]


yk most people say that sequels never beat the first movie. do you believe that? whats your favorite movie + sequel(s)?
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Hit me with your favorite riddles! [21 Oct 2012|07:07am]

Three brothers share a family sport:
A non-stop marathon
The oldest one is fat and short
And trudges slowly on
The middle brother's tall and slim
And keeps a steady pace
The youngest runs just like the wind,
A-speeding through the race
"He's young in years, we let him run,"
The other brothers say
"'Cause though he's surely number one,
He's second, in a way."

answer )
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what's on your tv tonight? [13 Oct 2012|09:48pm]

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cyclops, citrus, cy cy, virus, cyprus, cy the cow pie, papyrus, gyros, sinus, osiris, circus [11 Oct 2012|01:43pm]

[ mood | cy the cow pie is my fav ]
[ music | apparently something doesn't rhyme with circus. ]

What's your drawbacks? Or what does your name mean? Do you like your name?
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Fuck maturity! Hulk out on furniture! [03 Oct 2012|04:46pm]


How do you handle being upset?
Alternatively, how do you feel right now?
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lets play a game [30 Sep 2012|12:48am]

[ music | lube, condoms and tickle me elmo ]

Pick three things that would freak out the cashier
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do you have a twitter? if so, what are some hilarious tweets you've seen? if no, why? [28 Sep 2012|11:12am]


lmao. he has a point. also, before i go i leave you with this.
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Spam or customs? [20 Sep 2012|12:28am]


If you have any, what are your most memorable moments since coming to UNC?
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jeffing off feels soooo good [15 Sep 2012|08:50pm]

All I really have to say is: WHAT UP.
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[13 Sep 2012|08:32pm]


in honor of rush week, my lovely wife got me this. what's the last nice thing you got?

ps what is everyone doing this weekend aka will you be in town?
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THE REBELLEON, though I prefer customs. [03 Sep 2012|07:00pm]

Let's play a game to get to know one another; comment me with one lie and 2 truths, and I'll take a guess at which is the lie. Here are mine:

I meditate everyday, I am allergic to shellfish, I DJ at a club downtown from time to time
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AIM: ARADRIAN NIGHTS [03 Sep 2012|12:13am]

What up ya'll? I'm Adrian.

Have you met anyone from online in person? If so, how'd that go? If not, what held you back?
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