Tarot Me This

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28th February 2011

shininghigh10:07pm: Sorry for the disappearing act... Personal problems happened. And then a "promotion" happened, which has stuck me with two jobs for the next two weeks...and depending on how competent my replacement is, maybe longer. I've been working a gazillion hours a week, and, unfortunately, I just do not have the motivation to post right now. I don't want to drop off the face of the earth, but I'm not entirely sure when I'll be able to come back. Stupid work. Stupid personal life. Boo.

Anyway, it's up to mod discretion whether you want me to stay on hiatus or if you want me to drop out, it's your call!

Ivory (Cooper)

27th January 2011

tarotmemod10:49am: Dreamscape Spreads
I figured I would post some pictures of what I'm looking at when I do a Dreamscape Spread. Yes, the bright orange is my couch. I usually do my readings on the floor but my carpet is multi-color flower and window pain weirdness. The pictures are not fantastic but that is because I used my phone. Enjoy!

Spreads )

I'm also showing this because I know a lot of you guys have Tarot Decks and I thought it could be fun if someone else used their deck for a Dreamscape Thread.

I was also thinking of having 'Dream Themes' like a different one each week. Characters do not have to stick to them but they're optional and to pick them I'll pull a card and something will be a recurring theme. Or someone else could pull a card from their deck. Thoughts, feelings?

25th January 2011

beyond_the_sky11:19am: The world needs more fools...
And so I am here to play one.

Hello, all. I am roguemoon and I am here to play The Fool. My application and profile are easily found in my journal and I look forward to playing what looks like a very interesting and unique game.

21st January 2011

red_dawn11:48pm: Hello lovelies!

My name is Erin--shiny new player here, bringing you Yana Kalinsnikov, otherwise known as The World.

Here's a quick rundown: in the real world, Yana (or Red, as she's usually called) is a severely autistic 16 year old living with the Sisters of St. Francis Orphanage. She is non-verbal, and pretty much exists in her own world. In the Dreamscape, Yana is one with the entire universe (as she knows it). She's a guide, a guru, even a shamanistic kind of personality--completely at home with the Dreamscape, as if she'd been there her entire waking (and sleeping) life.

For more details, check out her info here..

My AIM is beerandsuckers, and I'm on more than not, so don't hesitate to ping me!

19th January 2011

xiiideath2:34pm: Hey guys! I'm back! Got internet again, whoo! I'll get right on tags as soon as possible!


17th January 2011

tarotmemod10:11pm: Dreamscape Thread
Who wants their cards to be able to be in the drawing? There will only be THREE this go-round. The for-sure cards that will be in there, because they have not been a spread before is:

The Knight of Sword
Queen of Pentacles

I am willing to do multiple spreads if more than one person responds to this post wanting to be in a spread.

Thank you,

16th January 2011

ex_knightofs8379:22pm: Hey all! Sorry for a late intro, there was some cool stuff going on in town, but now I'm here! Better late than never?

This is Cyrille Everhardt, actress extraordinaire, and the knight of swords. She's a quirky celeb to the world, and a high-functioning sociopath in private. Originally an orphan of the Bosnian War, she was a child serial-killer before a showbiz family took her in. In her tweens, she came down with AIDS having picked up HIV in Bosnia, but she doesn't let it cramp her style, nor has it stopped her from having an active (and epic fail) lovelife. In Dreamscape, she does a genderswap and runs around being a mass murderer.

You can grab me on aim at robe n wizzard hat. I love lines and aimless chatter, so don't be shy! If I'm not on, commenting on her profile post will get my attention too.

P.S. Mods, can you friend me? My lazy ass really wants the friend-all button.
brokenqueen10:57am: Goodbye
My landlord just sprung on us that she's not renewing our lease. I have a month to find somewhere for me and me family to live, pack us up, clean the whole house, fix up the whole garden... it's a lot, and I just don't see myself being able to rp with any real commitment.

With that in mind, I'm going to say goodbye. It's been nice knowing all of you, but I feel like you can get on with things a lot better knowing for sure that I won't be around, than waiting for me to show when I just don't think I can. I'm sorry to have to do this but I don't see any other way.


14th January 2011

luneophron11:03am: Hiatus
Ugh okay I've been trying but this is just not working out. I've been in this weird persistent state of mind lately where all of my hobbies feel like obligations, and I just cannot force myself to write any tags.

I need a break where I don't feel like I have an RP obligation hanging over my head like the Sword of Damocles, so I am going to take a hiatus for about a week and see if that helps. Sorry for the plot threads I've flaked on and the folks I've left hanging. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up on all the stuff I need to do when I return.

12th January 2011

xiiideath2:27pm: Hey guys, I know I just joined the game, but I have to take a hiatus (by no choice of mine, mind you). My internet is out, and has been for a couple days now. We're working on getting it fixed, and I'll be back as soon as possible! I'm on my phone right now, in case you were wondering how I got this up (aaaaand I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna run out of internet stuff soon. DX) I can't wait to get internet back! >.< Sorry again, bbs!

9th January 2011

tarotmemod5:35pm: Update Posting-Wise
Hey guys!

So I've decided to change the posting just a bit. I'm going to start doing weeks. Every two weeks irl = one in game post. I'll do a post in the community to show that and slowly move the game along. Thus every two weeks/one week we can also do a Dreamscape thread.

You guys can always back-date a post, just make sure you put in 'back-dated' somewhere to let us know.

Remember if your character entered into the New Year Dreamscape thread they suddenly blacked out at midnight and were unable to wake up by anyone. Thus if you want some Reality drama for your character you are more than welcome to take it from there.

Your character can also connect dream-to-dream but not always be able to do it in reality.

If you want a dreamscape thread leave me a message. I'm going to start drawing only two-three cards at a time so threads can perhaps go quicker.

pentacle_queen5:28pm: Dream Serial Killer - Queen of Pentacles
Hey guys,

Introducing Erys, the sociopathic fashion designer. In reality she steps on people's emotions, in the Dreamscape, she just might crush your head. Please welcome the Queen of Pentacles!

So yes, my vacation inspired me to create a serial killer. Since no one can actually die in the Dreamscape, more like just wake up and perhaps even have some marks on them from the dreams, please allow Erys to assist you in inspiring insanity. Maybe your character's organs could be the inspiration for the next Vogue magazine cover!

For plotness leave a message here or IM me wordsfallthrough

2nd January 2011

xiiideath7:10pm: Hmmm...to say hi or not to say hi...that is the question...Well, hello! My name is Mark and it's nice to meet all of you! Umm...I'm not very good at these intro things...Anyways, I guess I should tell you about myself? I'm 23, I live in Ohio, and this is the first thread-style RP that I've ever been a part of. I'm normally a forum-style rp-er, and decided that it was time for something new. I hope that you guys are okay with having a newbie in your midst.

I bring you Joseph (Joey) Warren. He is currently located in a psych ward in New York City. He and his sister are the only survivors of his family being kidnapped an tortured, and as such have a few issues to deal with. Joseph has mild OCD (which is why he's allowed to organize whatever rooms he's in at the ward), clinical depression, and psychosomatic deafness (there is nothing phyisically or physiologically wrong with him, but the screams caused his mind to shut down partially and stop him from being able to hear anymore. He's doing his best through therapy to get over all of these issues. As for personality, he's a little bit...stubborn (understatement of the century), a bit tempermental, obviously depressed (though that comes and goes), and just a bit jumpy. For more information, check him out at his journal!

If you need me, I don't have an AIM, though I can get one if you guys think it'd be easier, but you're always free to email me at angelsrisefall@gmail.com

EDIT: I made an AIM because I figured it would be easiest to do it now rather than wait until later. My aim is the same as my email. angelsrisefall

24th December 2010

shininghigh3:09pm: My Bad...

After promising to post, things happened. I should have posted Wednesday, but I spent the whole night buried up to my eyes in HTML.

I intended to post last night...but someone logged onto my Paypal and authorized a $550 transaction. Needless to say, I was not thrilled. So I called my bank and told them to make sure it didn't go through. I woke up today, and guess what? They let it go through, and now I'm overdrawn by $300! I mean, what the hell?

So, anyhow, I'm not going to be doing much posting tonight. I may post later on if I've had a chance to take out my rage and frustration on my pillow or something.

Cue the Holidays.

I'll be back in town Sunday night, if it ever stops snowing.

I suck. I'm sorry. ;_; There will be plotting and posting when I get back, or my name isn't Ivory!


25th December 2010

brokenqueen7:14am: Merry Christmas!
Being in New Zealand as I am, I'm the first of us to see it. So Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

23rd December 2010

tarotmemod1:44pm: Cali going away and New Years Spread
Hi guys!

So most of you know I'm vanishing tonight. Lee is going to be in charge in my absence, she can reach me (if I'm not eaten alive) if the RP is on fire or something. I'll also have my cellphone so if you reply to this I will get it in can attempt a response. =)

New Year's Spread

When I get back (which will technically be January 2nd but I'm going to cheat) I'm going to do a free-for-all New Year's Spread. Which means there will be no posting order, you just post away in it. On the first of the year you can do a full spread for the entire year, which is a 12 card spread representing different elements of what the next year is going to hold for you. Since it is going to be the year 2011 I thought it would be fun to do an epic-dreamscape thread with similar elements to it. I'm not sure what is going to happen, or exactly how I'm going to do it, but maybe the cards will explain it for me!

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, Hanukkah, or whatever your religion is! For me the holiday is more about showing the world you love each other, because gods and goddesses know there isn't enough love in this world. Smiles go further than tears and they're just as contagious as yawns. Merry Christmas, ya'll.


I leave you with your horoscope..

22nd December 2010

quinqupentacle9:55pm: Hola

DCJ bringeth thee Quentin Cash AKA Quinn

Quinn is a heroin addict, terminally unemployed, almost nihilistic, the five of pentacles.

He's up for any RPage and if you're looking for lines to sneak into, his elder brother turning up might be fun.

I've also got November over at [info]la_lune, a rabbity little creature synonymous with the Moon card. He's also up for play, so if you wanna bowl around with him just poke me here or over at his IJ


21st December 2010

shininghigh11:07pm: The Sun
Hi, all!

I'm introducing Cooper Allen, aka, The Sun as portrayed by Christian Kane. Hooray for muscles!

Coop is a construction worker at present. He's lived a charmed life -- things always seem to work out for him, even when he puts absolutely no work into it. He's awesome like that. Overall, he's a nice guy, and he never thinks twice about helping people. (He has the scars to prove it.) He's usually a guy's guy -- poker, football, working out -- but he's also a hopeless romantic...and rather hopeless at it. Poor guy.

I love plotses, so please feel free to find me on AIM or E-Mail at any time!

PS - I just wanted to reiterate how excited I am to be here and how neat-o this game is going to be!
inthedarkness7:12pm: Hello my dear little darlings. My name is Heather and I'm in a weird ass mood. It might be from staring at LED Christmas lights or I might be being poisoned by A&W food. Who knows. Either way, here's me. I'm 23, mildly insane and I might often talk about my 4 year old brother who is a loon. And annoyed it isn't Christmas yet, lmao. He wants gifts okay? He's no dummy.

This here is Eden Wolfe. Girl's got issues because she's the Nine of Swords. She's been a coal miner's daughter, a pirate and an eco-terrorist (she prefers to call herself a Rare Animal Liberator. However, she did this through violence and torture). This doesn't make her a PETA person though... She just hates poachers - especially ones that go after animals on the endangered species list. A year ago, she was attacked by a lion that they were rescuing and her husband saved her life by getting himself eaten. She was then sacrificed by the organization she was with to some corrupt Kenyan cops and beaten within an inch of her life.

So she's rightfully kind of... odd. Currently, she works in a pawn shop. Proper job description unknown. Mostly security guard because that's all she's good at.

Wanna plot? Hit me up at NemesisKismet on AIM. And G-talk. And Yahoo. And Windows Live. Yup. It's all the same. Makes things easy doesn't it? I know some of y'all have got to have fetishes for Claudia Black. ;)
animist4:55pm: Hello!
Sorry for not making an intro post sooner! Anyhow, I was pleasantly surprised to find a game with such a cool concept, and I'm really happy to be here! My name is Elle, and um...I like RP! And tarot. And lots of other things. You can read all about my girl in her app. :) Err, I promise she's not quite as scary as she maybe sounds? Just sort of odd!

I'd love to plot with you guys! So, if you have any ideas or if you just wanna chitchat, IM me at mayfly affair, or PM me! ...or reply to the Dropbox/HMD thread I'm about to make in her journal, haha. I'm pretty open about storylines, so don't be afraid to throw them my way.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to play with all of you soon! :D
tarotmemod3:59pm: Dreamscape Spread 3
Alright so we have The High Priestess, The Chariot, The Page of Cups, The Ten of Wands, The Nine of Swords, and The Sun who have not been in a Dream Spread. Thus I will be doing one either tonight or tomorrow. PLEASE reply to this if you WANT to be in the spread. I've noticed some have been null because of the Christmas holidays. So if you can be in the spread PLEASE reply to it. I can already say the Ten of Wands will probably not be in it because I am going on vacation. Let me know!

Thank you,

18th December 2010

tarotmemod9:17pm: New Rules
1) I'm letting go of my OCDness and you can post in the Dreamscape whenever, even before you are put into a spread.

2) If you are in a Dreamscape thread, if you do not post within 48 Hours you will be skipped. This way people are not waiting around forever. Then it is your job to catch up and start posting.

15th December 2010

luneophron1:34pm: an introduction
Hello! I am the new dude around here. My name is The Guindo and I bring to you Artemis Valkyr, probably the worst offering I could have made. What I am saying is he is kind of a jerk ("kind of"?). Don't call him Arty, he hates that (please call him Arty).

I've already talked to a couple of people (which is awesome, I feel so welcome already!) and I can't wait to play with you guys. If you want to plot, or just chat about nothin', hit me up on AIM at PianistOfRaielin.

9th December 2010

tarotmemod4:39pm: We have five character
Hi guys,

So we have five characters and I can do the first spread. I figured I would give everyone a heads up and to keep their eyes peeled.

8th December 2010

tarotmemod8:19am: Timeline of Game
Timeline goes by todays time. So if it is December 7th In Real Life it is December 7th in the game. If you need to back-track in the game you're more than welcome to. Just put date in the subject area so we know.

So like you do a thread on December 7th but it takes a week to finish the thread. But you need to do a follow up on December 8th. Just write December 8th in the subject line of the next thread. Easy enough?

If you have more suggestions just let me know!
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