Tangled Skeins - January 5th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Tangled Skeins

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January 5th, 2009

Where Did You Sleep Last Night? [Jan. 5th, 2009|09:50 am]

Who: Faith Lehane
When: Around 10 o'clock at night
Where: East end of Nocturne
What: Faith is patrolling and wondering if she should even bother with the duties as a Chosen One, considering the lack of vamps to stake. The kind she's used to anyway.
Status: Complete

Or did the apocalypse happen already? )
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Lay Your Weary Head To Rest [Jan. 5th, 2009|03:21 pm]

Who: Dean Winchester
When: 7:25 pm
Where: Since he's stuck in Nocturne, might as well get a house, right?
What: Dean's dreaming about his time in Hell, and remembers the time when Alastair asked him to join in delivering the torment.
Status: Complete

Skin burning and sizzling from the eternal heat, razor sharp talons that tore into him. )
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Delivery [Jan. 5th, 2009|05:38 pm]
delivered to new arrivals )
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