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Holy irony, Batman!! [01 May 2012|02:14am]
itsjustcate (2:09:30 AM): HM do they do it tonighhhhhht

exmrsvaughn (2:10:40 AM): last chance bri
exmrsvaughn (2:10:46 AM): aftter this you're doing it with two face

sansaastark (2:10:51 AM): i'll flip a coin

subwallprophets (2:10:54 AM): a;lskdasdkl;g
subwallprophets (2:10:58 AM): Mady

sansaastark (2:11:03 AM): LOL OMG
sansaastark (2:11:05 AM): I DIDn'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT
sansaastark (2:11:07 AM): WHOOPS
sansaastark (2:11:08 AM): IRONY

exmrsvaughn (2:11:08 AM): kjkhjkg

more will come (2:11:10 AM): LOL

subwallprophets (2:11:10 AM): askldghasdl;

itsjustcate (2:11:13 AM): LOOOOOOOOL

Pensieve Scholar (2:11:13 AM): WHAT
Pensieve Scholar (2:11:17 AM): OH

sansaastark (2:11:23 AM): I REALLY DIDN'T OMG
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[01 May 2012|07:55am]
17 comments|post comment

[01 May 2012|09:18am]

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[01 May 2012|08:55pm]
[info]prefect: You want to surprise 8 your character? TOO BAD! THEY FUCK DOGS NOW
6 comments|post comment

[ viewing | May 1st, 2012 ]
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