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26 January 2008 @ 10:01 PM

Whoo! I can't remember if I did this or not but yeah..I'm Dena and I play Hermione! Currently I have her in an on and off relationship with Ron (Pending on Ron's player if he ever comes o.o). I'm pretty much up for any kinda plot if you guys have them!

My aim is MioneG80

Oh yeah for some reason the mod doesn't have me added as a friend so I can't see any private entries within the mod journal for the time being, including the friends' button and the contact list.
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26 January 2008 @ 5:01 PM

I know this is a bit late in coming, but...hello everyone! I'm Suzanne and I am bringing Miss Sally-Anne Perks to the game!

She's a Hufflepuff in the same year as the Trio. She is a Pediatric Healer at St. Mungo's and she's fairly good at what she does. If anyone would like to plot or anything, my AIM SN is zanne turtle. I'm totally up for anything.
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