November 2008

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October 31st, 2008

[info]geminia905 in [info]talesoflore

Happy Birthday, Lore!

Hope you have a wonderful day, sweetie!

P.S. IOU a birthday manip -- as soon as I can find just the right base image. *g*

[info]osmalic in [info]talesoflore

a Remus, Severus, Teddy sketch, plus a recipe for you!

Happy birthday, Lore! You keep me giggling in and out of the HP fandom, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. A lot of people continue to have a great fandom experience because of you. Thank you for all your hard work.

So here's a very sketchy art for you, of Remus, Severus, and Teddy in the future:
pic! )

Aaaaaand for something completely different:

You might already know that birthdays in many parts of Asia is celebrated with noodles, which signifies long life. Here's a recipe for one of my favorite kind of pansit (which I hope you'll also like): Pansit Malabon.

pansit malabon! )

*HUG* Happy birthday!

[info]snegurochka_lee in [info]talesoflore



I hope you have a wonderful, amazing day full of love and fun and devouring all the great fic and art at this comm!

Thank you for all you do for the ship. We'd be a poor, neglected rarepair, huddled in the corners of Filch/Cedric obscurity if not for you (and McKay)!

♥ ♥ ♥

[info]aunty_marion in [info]talesoflore

Happy Birthday, Lore!

Hope it's a good one! You do so much for the Snupin community, and in other fandoms too - so I think you deserve a glorious day.

[info]nehalenia in [info]talesoflore

Happy Happy!

free glitter text and family website at

I hope you have a wonderful day, Lore! You help make the Lupin/Snape ship one of the nicest places to be in all of fandom. And welcome to one of the best decades there is! :-D

[info]dancingskeleton in [info]talesoflore

Happy Birthday Lore

(XD I messed up posting like three times...I got it now!!)

Because you're always so nice I had to sketch up the drawing you wanted!! I promise I'll color it!! Honest!!

Total G-rated picture!
Snape and Lupin. But of course, Cause she asked so nicely!

Happy B-day!

[info]scribbulus_ink in [info]talesoflore

The big reveal!

[info]lore knows about the comm now, so if you've locked posts, feel free to unlock them now. Thanks to all who participated and helped give our favorite mod a happy birthday! :D The day isn't over yet, so feel free to add birthday wishes if you've just found out about the community.

[info]hogwartshoney in [info]talesoflore

Happy birthday, my sweet!

Yay to the new comm, and yay to another year in the life of Lore! Here's hoping you have many many more decades of HP goodness and that you have a fabulous birthday weekend. Celebrate long and well!

[info]firefly124 in [info]talesoflore

Happy Birthday!

Here's hoping your birthday is full of treats and no (unwanted) tricks!

[info]sweetmelodykiss in [info]talesoflore

Tender Mercies

A very happy birthday to [info]lore and a big thank you for all the wonderful things you do for the Lupin/Snape ship.

Title: Tender Mercies
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: Mild R
Word Count: 688
Category: Ficlet
Summary: Remus is at Severus’ mercy.
Disclaimer: I do not own them.
Beta: Thank you [info]angela_snape

Tender Mercies )

[info]busaikko in [info]talesoflore

Happy Happy Day! Best wishes to you for a great year, and thank you for everything you do for the community. *throws confetti, opens champagne*