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Talebearing RPG

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[11 Dec 2008|11:02am]
Who: Jacob & Odessa
Why: Because, Odessa is a nice person! UNLIKE EVERYONE ELSE.
When: Shortly after Jacob's entry.
Where: Black Lake.

Odessa spent no time finding herself the proper clothing and a hat before leaving the Slytherin Common Room. A regular hat to cover her face and protect it, a heavy twill coat with pants and shoes to match it, mostly in green and violet which didn't really match but she didn't care. Once she was ready, the strange Slytherin slipped out of the Slytherin area, sometimes skipping and sometimes running, to make it down to the Black Lake before the boy that was suppose to be coming. By the time she got out Hogwarts, she found a good place to sit and plopped down on the ground.

Odessa crawled near a tree and set beneath it, waiting for the lonely little boy to come to her. Granted, she was thinking that he actually might not but who knows.
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