Talebearing RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Talebearing RPG

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[07 Nov 2008|01:56am]
WHO: Theo and Pansy
WHEN: Thursday afternoon, after classes
WHERE: By the sea (wouldn't that be smashing?)
WHAT: Making up.
RATING: TBD but probably low

and then the water reached the West Coast and took the power lines )
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[07 Nov 2008|02:30am]
Who: Nickolas and Odessa.
What: Nick wants to annoy her because he's weird like that.
When: After the last class of the day.
Rating: I'll say PG for Nick's mouth.
Status: Started/Incomplete.

Carry on with your obsession.. )
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[07 Nov 2008|08:16pm]
WHO: Zach and Jackie
WHEN: A time
WHERE: Out at the lake
WHAT: Chillin'

where have all the clever cut-texts gone? )
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