Tale Spin: A Community for Storytellers' Journal
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Friday, July 17th, 2009

    Time Event
    For we have flax-gold tales to spin
    Welcome to Tale Spin, a community for all who enjoy reading or writing Original Fiction. 

    What I have in mind is a place where anyone can come to post, read or discuss their own Original work or anyone else's. You can be seriously considering publishing your work, just branching out into Original Fic, or have been creating your own imaginary worlds for years. 

    Recommendations are accepted, so long as it isn't a crossover or fanfiction-related story. 

    All are welcome to discuss the writing process, the highs and lows, etc. We can all relate to how difficult/rewarding writing can be!

    Please post responsibly, use tags, and do NOT start flame wars or sock puppet battles with each other. If you and another writer get into an argument over something, please take it somewhere else. This is not a community in which you can bash other writers, past, present or future. We're all friends here. 

    There is pretty much no rating system if you want to post your own work. Just give the appropriate warnings if your fic contains strong language, violent imagery, explicit sexual situations, etc. 

    Also: PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. If your work was "inspired" by another writer, please say so. Don't take credit for what you know isn't entirely your own. 

    Finally: Be gracious in accepting criticism from others. We don't all have thick skins, but writers are pretty much doomed to always be hearing from the critics. It's a fact of life. Accept what you want, ignore what you don't. As for those doing the criticism, BE CONSTRUCTIVE. "This sucks" or "That was so stupid" is not helpful. Be concise and polite if/when you mention something you didn't like or understand in a fic. Be honest, but keep the writer's feelings in mind.

    That is all for now! Have fun on here and play nice with each other!

    Current Mood: cheerful

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