Takoyaoi Love - April 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Wriggly Bits and the Boys Who Love Them

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April 17th, 2008

PromptFic: 'Practical Applications' [YuGiOh, Bakura/Ryou, NC-17] [Apr. 17th, 2008|05:45 pm]
[Current Mood | Slightly weirded out]
[Current Music |Hands on the alter for a charming spell (be sincere in persuasion--)]

Title: Practical Applications
Author/Artist: ysabet
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Ummm... I was originally going for Humorous-With-Added-Weirdness and it sort of devolved into Rather-Creepy-Pr0nish-Thing. Don't ask me. I have no clue. However, this IS Bakura, so it's probably okay. Probably.**hides**
Word count: 1601
Summary: A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. It can be a lot of fun, too.
Prompt: "Bakura had never even thought of using the Shadows that way."

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