Taking Cover (OOC & Storylines)'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Taking Cover (OOC & Storylines)

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so sorry! [01 Nov 2014|08:50pm]
So sorry for my suddenly MIA-ness! The plague (er, man cold) ran through my house. And as mom, while also suffering, I had plenty of care taking to do over the last couple of weeks.

But! I am back. And I have energy again to do more than mope and moan and spray Lysol. Tomorrow morning---or perhaps this evening!---marks my determination to sort myself and Elysande back in.

So, welcome new players! I'm M, and looking forward to writing and plotting!
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[01 Nov 2014|08:58pm]
Hey guys, just a note I have something to deal with irl so I won't be around until Monday afternoon/evening. Hopefully by tomorrow if the stars are aligned right. Sorry to those I'm writing with, I don't mean to hold up threads. Especially to the new folks, just give me 'til Monday. <3 Sorry for the inconvenience!
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