Taking Cover (OOC & Storylines)'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Taking Cover (OOC & Storylines)

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[24 Oct 2014|03:31am]
Hi, I'm bringing in the Snitch, name Basil Huntley. He was a court huntsman's only son, then in his late teens entered court/castle life, with his father eventually taking up the Grand Huntsman post. Basil's something of a chaotic figure, he usually doesn't take anything too seriously and has a pretty crude sense of humor, is a bit of flirt, and also is rather selfish. He was with Jordan's usual retinue and one of his confidants. Eventually, he took over his father's title. Someone (open role!) in the court overheard Basil grumbling quite dark stuff to himself about Jordan's refusal to feed a starving populace, and that's when he got in on the plot. He was an asset to the plan, as he knew Jordan's habits, but when Jordan spoke of elevating him in the court and giving him more wealth, he abandoned the conspiracy and told the king all about it (while really drunk).

To answer the question - Do the other conspirators know Basil is the Snitch? Absolutely. I've established about halfway through he journey to Belwyn, any number of the travelers realized his stories didn't add up, and he strangely joined the group a few days after they fled. There was enough evidence (sign right up). Basil's a woodward for a minor lord around Belwyn now and tricksy when it comes to the forests. If you threaten to kill or maim him, that's where he'll likely run. I'm up for enemies galore and 'neutral' or even favorable relations. Check the taverns for him where he likes to wench. As far as plot, I'm easy, so mostly anything goes.
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[24 Oct 2014|03:53pm]
I know I just posted a few days ago for plotting, but now that he's officially in game, I'm going to touch base!

This is Alistair Bryce, exknight from a highborn family. He's honorable, and loyal, and in general a good guy with a lot of morals to fall back upon. And if he didn't feel like it was the only way to protect his family, he wouldn't be here. He came to Belwyn with all of the others escaping their kingdom, but was quick to join a caravan as a sellsword/guard for some of the merchants who take their wears out.

He just got back after being on the road for a few weeks.
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