Taking Cover (OOC & Storylines)'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Taking Cover (OOC & Storylines)

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[09 Oct 2014|01:49pm]
Hi all! I'm M—this is Elysande. :) [ El-iss-awnd]

Of course I would excitedly join a game at the end of the week and then work the weekend away... I apologize! I'm thrilled and eager to be here. If you'd like to check out Elysande's brief bio, in short she is an herbalist originally from Wilderock, presently living with and caring for a younger sister. (Who I'd love to see a player for!) She caters mostly to women's needs because it's what she's become popular for, but her talent extends to other reaches also. So all walks of life are welcome to seek her out.

She's relatively friendly though a bit reserved.

I'm looking for all kinds of connections—poke me! :)

Looking forward..!
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