Monday, June 21st, 2010

Who: Ron and Harry
When: Afternoon, 19 June
Where: the Quidditch Pitch
Rating: PG
Status: Complete log

Harry likes it, so he's gonna put a ring on it. )
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Friday, April 16th, 2010

WHO: Ginny Weasley and Ron Weasley
WHAT: Sorting out the mess
WHERE: An empty classroom
WHEN: Friday after dinner
WHY: Because apparently they need to talk about how Ginny is an adult.
RATING: We'll say PG-13 for Language-type warnings.
STATUS: Incomplete

Who told you you were allowed to grow up? )
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Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Who: Ron and Lavender
When: After classes and arguments and much journal chaos
What: Calming times? Talking, distracting, not punching Harry in the face for sleeping with Ginny.
Where: A window seat in the hall near the prefect's bath.
Rating: Likely 14A for swearing
Status: In progress

The stubbornness showed on his face as he watched her approach, and he didn't move from his position with his quill poised to snap back at Ginny once he found the words. )
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Friday, April 9th, 2010

Who: Ron and Harry
When: Friday, April 9, after their class finishes at 3pm before the Ravenclaw practice.
Where: Quiddtich pitch, mostly.
What: Some boy time. They talk about life after school, whether they really want to be aurors, the women in their lives, and quidditch. There's a manly hug!
Rating: PG? Ron swears a teensy bit. He gets it from Lav.
Status: Finished!

Come on, are you taking the piss? )
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Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Who: Ron and Harry!
Where: Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade.
When: Saturday March 20, afternoon.
What: The boys hang out and catch up and have A Talk.
Song(s): A Long Long Road by Jason Robert Brown, sung by Harry.
Rating: Complete log.

So just follow that track, send a postcard back, and you’ll be okay... )
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Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

who Ronald and Lavender
where Room of Requirement
when Backdated to Monday Evening, 15 March 1999
rating PG-13 to R(ish). Really not too dirty.

synopsis Ron promised to let Lav study, but the urge to express himself comes out in song. Featuring I Want You by The Beatles and Can't Help Falling In Love by Ingrid Michaelson.

Did he just /sing/ that? )
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Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Who: Ron and Lav
Where: Their closet not far from the prefect's bath
When: Monday, March 1, after quidditch practice
What: Ron gets his birthday surprise and a bit of time with his girl.
Rating: M for mature, just at the end really. Nothing explicit. Mostly just nudity before we fade to black.
Status: Complete, and very very late!

Well, birthday boy. You got me here. What's on your mind? )
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Friday, February 26th, 2010

Prefects & QC Meeting

McGonagall was waiting in the Prefect Office, which is down the hall from the Prefect Bath, at eight o'clock sharp. She would have gone over the new security regulations with the students, stressing the importance of looking out for their fellow students, being vigilant in their duties, and reporting any unusual or odd behavior or circumstances. She would have encouraged them to make sure none of their fellow students were left to walk around alone if they didn't have to, and reminded them that as leaders of the student body, it was their job to set the example for behavior.

She then would have opened up the floor for questions.
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Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

WHO: Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger
WHAT: Anxiety and Waiting
WHERE: St. Mungo's
WHEN: Sometime in the later afternoon
WHY: Because Bill is maybe never going to recover and this is painfully terrifying for the Weasley kids.
RATING: PG-13 for possible swearing. It's Ron and Ginny. They're not known for their clean mouths.
STATUS: Incomplete

The waiting game )
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Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Who: Ron and Lavender.
Where: Leaving the dance, then the seventh year boys dorms.
When: About an hour or so into the dance.
What: Ron and Lave cut out early for some alone time.
Rating: R for nudity and suggestive themes. Nothing outright graphic.
Status: Complete.
Note: We faded to black before the sex, but please note that it did happen, lol. Lav kept Ron up all night, which is likely why he let so many through during the game on Saturday. They also said their I Love Yous after.

You had to pick something with about a thousand ruddy buttons, didn't you? )
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Monday, February 8th, 2010

who Lavender Brown and Ron Weasley.
where Outside the DADA classroom
when Monday, 8 February 1999; Around 5pm
rating TBD

synopsis Lav got Ron detention, and she's feeling bad about it.

as much as she enjoyed making him crazy, she hadn't meant to get him in trouble. )
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Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Who: Lavender Brown, Ron Weasley, Augustus Pye
What: Ron drags Lavender to the infirmary after her journal outburst
When: 27 January 1999.
Where: Room of Requirement to the Infirmary
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

He forced me to come down, Pye. You and he should form a club. )
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Sunday, January 24th, 2010

WHO: The Gryffindors.
WHAT: IC/OOC Log Quidditch Try-Outs
WHEN: Sunday January 24.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Harry arrived at the pitch around 2. He would have been dressed casually, no Quidditch robes. He had the Quidditch supply box (i.e. the thing with bludgers and quaffle inside), and he would have kept that to one side of the pitch where he stood and waited for the others to arrive.

During try-outs, Harry would have had a roll of parchment and he would have made a list of who was trying out, what position they were trying out for, and if they were on the team before. He then would have asked everyone to fly around the pitch first for a warm up. After the warm up, tossing the quaffle about and stuff, he would have had everyone land and sit in alphabetical order. He called everyone up and the try-outs would have consisted of basic flying skills, agility, awareness of Quidditch rules, and ability to dodge bludgers. Chasers would have gone first, then beaters, then last would have been keeper with the chasers (particularly those who played chaser) trying to score against the keeper.

At the end Harry would have thanked everyone and said a list would be posted tomorrow.

Please comment here with how your character did in try-outs, if they tried out. I'm pretty certain that Harry is not going to be all "no you can't be on the team" if your character is already on the team. But I do kind of need to know how your character is doing Quidditch-wise for when I set up practice sessions. Harry would understand, also, if someone who was previously on the team no longer wanted to be as - well - he understands wanting to just get away from Hogwarts as soon as possible. So, please comment, and thanks! (Also let me know if I did anything against canon as I've not read book 6 recently.)
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Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Who: Ron, open to Lavender
Where: The Gryffindor Common Room
When: Thursday, Jan 14, late-ish night
What: Lavender has finally agreed to be with Ron, and they meet in the common room.
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

He felt like a prat, but in a good way, if that was possible. )
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Monday, January 11th, 2010

Who: Ron and Lav
Where: The hallway
When: Saturday Jan 9th, afternoon
What: Ron tries to talk to her, and she rebuffs him. He gets embarrassed and leaves.
Rating: PG13?
Status: Completed, unless Lav would like to respond any further.

I'm just trying to tell you to not waste your time, Ron. You didn't want Hermione mooning after you because it wasn't going to go anywhere, and I'm trying to pay you the same courtesy. )
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Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Who: Ron and Hermione
Where: The Burrow, outside somewhere
When: Backdated to December 25th.
What: They exchange presents alone, Hermione confesses her feelings, and Ron admits he doesn't return them.
Rating: PG
Status: Private/Completed Log

Yeah, they'd be all right. )
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Sunday, January 3rd, 2010

who Ron and Lavender
where Justin's House, in the back yard
when Backdated to New Years Eve, Midnight
rating PG-13
synopsis Lavender tries to escape the hubbub, but the hubbub comes to her. Chaos ensues in the form of teenage hormones.

'It doesn't matter what I want. This is more than just the two of us and you know it' )
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Thursday, December 10th, 2009

Who: Ron, open to Harry and Seamus
Where: Muggle pub called The Fox and Pheasant in London
What: Boys night out
When: Thurs, Dec 10, about 7 in the evening
Rating: Probably not more than 14A?
Note: Hope this is okay. I kind of figured it made sense that Ron and Harry wanted somewhere nonmagical to go to so they've probably been there a dozen or more times over, like, the last year. If you want me to tweak, just leave an OOC comment!

He had a pint to distract him until they arrived. )
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Friday, December 11th, 2009

who Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown
when BACKDATED to 2 December 1998
where Shell Cottage
rating PG-13 because they both have filthy mouths

synopsis Ron unexpectedly runs into Lav at Bill's, and talking ensues. There is tentative bonding over rare steak, dish washing, snowballs, and cocoa. They decide to try to be friends. There are no edible pants of any kind, Hermione.

'I'm glad you're okay, Lav.' )
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Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Who: Ron and Hermione
When: 6 December, early evening
Where: Hermione's parent's house in Winchester.
Rating: PG-13 likely for language (RONALD)
Synopsis: Ron goes to see Hermione and finds her up to her elbows in trouble and biscuits. (Content to be determined).

Hermione liked to do things well. )
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