Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Who: Ron and Lavender
When: After classes and arguments and much journal chaos
What: Calming times? Talking, distracting, not punching Harry in the face for sleeping with Ginny.
Where: A window seat in the hall near the prefect's bath.
Rating: Likely 14A for swearing
Status: In progress

The stubbornness showed on his face as he watched her approach, and he didn't move from his position with his quill poised to snap back at Ginny once he found the words. )
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Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

WHO: Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter
WHAT: know...IT
WHERE: Ginny's bedroom in the Burrow
WHEN: After everyone goes to sleep.
RATING: HIGH. Fade to black though so...
STATUS: COMPLETE! (That's right Ron, it's already done, so just...try not to explode)

Bow-chicka-WOW-wow )
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Monday, April 5th, 2010

thread: abby and lili.

Who: Abby and Lili.
What: Lili just got back from Easter hols; Abby invades the Ravenclaw table.
When: Monday night at dinner.
Where: The Great Hall.
Rating: tbd, PG-13 to start.
Status: Thread, in progress.

For this, she decided, the Ravenclaws could make some allowances. )
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Sunday, April 4th, 2010

Who: Neville Longbottom and Alice Longbottom, then Healer Strout
When: Sunday morning and early afternoon, Easter
What: Neville visits his folks, then talks to the healers
Rating: PG
Status: completed solo log

growing up is hard to do )
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Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Who: Lili and Abby
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: a second-floor windowsill.
What: Lili thought she was singing alone... oops.
Rating: PG-13ish for a few instances of Abby running her mouth.
Featured Songs: "I Wasn't Prepared" by Eisley, and "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen.
Status: completed log

Liliana liked the window seat she had found… )
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Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Who: Abby and Sam.
What: Cuddles, chocolate, and Butterbeer.
When: Monday night.
Where: The kitchens.
Featured Song: "On My Own" from Les Miserables & "Wicked Little Town" from Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
Rating: PG-13, for a few brief instances of Abby's language being… colourful.
Status: Log / Complete.

But, to be fair, as far as Sam was concerned everything already was terrible forever. )
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Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Who: Ernie and Neville

When: Wednesday, 24 February

What: Ernie wants to talk about what to do. Except neither of them really seems to know the answer.

Where: just outside of Hufflepuff

Rating: PG tops

Status: completed log

What are we going to do about all this? )
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Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Who: Neville and Luna
When: Thursday, 25 February, between classes and dinner
Where: the Greenhouse
What: Neville invited Luna down to see the new Flutterbaby nest he found.
Rating: G?
Status: completed log

even the strong oak is beautiful )
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Monday, February 15th, 2010

WHO: Theodore Nott and Jules Montgomery.
WHAT: Random scene pairing! Theodore's hair is pink, and he is unhappy about this. Jules has a wardrobe malfunction.
WHEN: backdated to Friday, 12th February, 1999; afternoon, before the dance.
WHERE: The Slytherin Common Room.
STATUS: Closed thread/in progress.
RATING: PG to PG-13, to start.

This was a disaster... )
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Saturday, December 5th, 2009

Daily Prophet 4 December 1998


Daily Prophet Evening Edition: Registry Proposed for Hogwarts Students. )
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