Taking a Mulligan IC Community


16th April 2010

10:49pm: WHO: Ginny Weasley and Ron Weasley
WHAT: Sorting out the mess
WHERE: An empty classroom
WHEN: Friday after dinner
WHY: Because apparently they need to talk about how Ginny is an adult.
RATING: We'll say PG-13 for Language-type warnings.
STATUS: Incomplete

Who told you you were allowed to grow up? )
11:11pm: WHO: Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter
WHAT: Preventing a murder
WHERE: Steps leading to the Owlry
WHEN: BACKDATED: To-Immediately following This
WHY: Because Harry would rather his best mate didn't end up dead.
RATING: We'll give it a high PG rating for language
STATUS: Complete!

Remind me again why I'm not killing him? )
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