September 7th, 2010

[info]wolverine_ in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Logan and Selene
What: out late
Where: in some back ally
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete.
Its late... )

[info]wolverine_ in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Logan and emorie
What: quality time
Where: Logans shop
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete.
One of his best )

[info]golden_cissa in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Narcissa, Edward and Lil Gray
What: interaction and spending time together
Where: At the pool behind the house
When: Evening
Why: Because Narcissa wants to be with Edward and Lil Gray

Narcissa was feeling very happy and relaxed as she sat by the pool drinking an ice cold lemonade that she had made. And it was a very nice evening to be spending it with the people she cared about most next to her family. As she looked around her she could not help but feel slightly surprised at how much she had missed Edward and Gray She figured they would have figured that out, but she was just glad that she was able to spend a warm evening with Them. And seeing them for more than a few minutes was the highlight of her day, as well as watching little Gray have fun too. She felt happy that she adored him as much as her son Draco. She placed her glass on the table and let her head fall back slightly as she closed her eyes. The warm air felt nice and she was actually debating on diving in the water since it looked so inviting. She laid her hand on her face as she watched the scene before her.