June 13th, 2010

[info]thatwasnifty in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Willow and Mal
When: Afternoon
What: Just after shopping
Where: The house
Rating: TBD

Willow had never been to the store with someone that had to have just about everything before and she found that it was a bit tiring. The young woman was finding that she now understood why parents always looked so stressed when they had to grocery shop with kids in tow, it was because the kids would pull everything in to the cart in some sort of mix of excitement and just general desire. This understanding of a parents shopping nightmare had come from one shopping trip with Mal, though the first five minutes was quite amusing she was just happy that he seemed happy so that made up for all the insanity of the trip.

Willow found herself now in the kitchen for what was going to be some creative storage as she wasn't sure there was enough room for everything they had bought, but at least they had enough food to last a near lifetime.