February 26th, 2010

[info]fairybarmaid in [info]taintedsprings_

Georgia On My Mind

Who: Sookie Stackhouse and Open
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: Exploring the town
Why: Arrival
Rating: PG

Eric told her to leave, it wasn’t that he didn’t want her; he wanted her with everything he had his wife was the only other woman he’d called lover. At first he’d wanted her because she was Bill’s. She’d never understand their relationship.

As a fey, supernatural creatures were drawn to her, and Bon Tempe was getting dangerous. Her powers were growing, many she didn’t realize, and of course this would happen once she’d mastered her telepathy.

Franklin Springs wasn’t far from Bon Tempe; Eric could be there in a heartbeat. He’d investigated it’s wasn’t the safest of places, but there were others who could help her.

The decision was made and suddenly here she was. As she drove into town, she saw help wanted signs so she stopped and filled out an application. Finding a hotel she checked in, called and left Eric a message then she went out for a walk around her new town.