November 14th, 2009

[info]thebadwolfrose in [info]taintedsprings_

Everything I thought was real is suddenly crashing.

Who: Rose Tyler and the Doctor (9)
What: Going to eat with the Doctor and trying to figure out what happened.
Continuing from here.
Where: Some burger joint.
When: Early evening
Rating: PG at the most
Close to the Ninth Doctor.

It was so much for Rose to take in; first she somehow ended up in the world she came from and in another country. Then, the Doctor was there, but it was his former self that didn’t regenerate. None of it made sense, at least not now. Besides all that, Rose was starving; she hadn’t eaten in hours. So first thing was first; get some chip, and then they could figure this all out.

Rose lead the Doctor to a place she found earlier, said they had the best fries in the state, course they didn’t have any fish, but some nice chips and a burger would do. The entire walk there was a bit strange. So much of her wanted to grab his hand and act like things were like they used to be, but she knew better then that. So much was racing through her head at once. Rose felt as if she could crash. She was happy to see the same face that showed her a whole new life, but at the same time she was confused and scared.

Once Rose got her food, she sat down across from the Doctor. “So…umm let me get this straight. You somehow didn’t regenerate and somehow I continued to travel with another version of yourself that did?”