October 23rd, 2009

[info]sweetpsyche in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Psyche&Eros
What: Dinner and being together
When: Evening, just after the moon rises.
Where: A open field close, but far enough out from the college
Why: They are gods. Do they need a reason to be together?;)
Open: Nope. Just to them
Rating: TBA

After sepnding a few hours away from the other gods and goddesses she and Eros had run into that night, Psyche was not sure how she was handling the news that Devon was to have a child from Hades. It was going to be a very interesting outcome, though she was happy for the girl and prayed that something good would come out of it. She also knew that she was going to spend a few hours away from Ares if she could help it. He was the type that altered her emotions more than any God, and she figured she would rather be happy and blissful than altered somehow. And now, as she walked under the full moon, basking in her pressence, all she wanted to do was spend some much needed time with her loving husband.

With a husband like Eros, she knew the minute she mentioned a romantic dinner with him, it was bound to turn into something else. Not so much something else, but something more romantic and over the top. Not that she did not mind at all. She loved it when he showered her with love and affection, and it gave her the oppertunity to please him emotionally as well as physically. She smirked, knowing she and him both loved it more than they cared to voice.

As she walked, her dress that she wore moved with her graceful movements. It was a royal blue in color, long sleeve since it was getting colder out, but she paid no mind to the cold that surrounded her. All she could feel was the warmpth of the love that she felt from her husband. She reached up to brush some dark hair from her face and continued walking, her dress swishing gently as she moved. Her eyes, brightening from the moon's light, searched for any signs of her husband, not seeing him yet, but had a feeling if he was there, he'd seek her out if he was lurking in the shadows.