August 5th, 2009

[info]askphoebe in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: The family Halliwell - Black and their respective loves.
Where: Sirius and Phoebe's place
When: Dinnertime continued from here
What: Dinner
Rating: TBD

Phoebe just smiled at Sirius as she watched him with Peighton, it was only when he spoke again that she was snapped out of her thoughts. "Huh? Oh, they are on their way you know that. Andrew is probably with Ziva and Patty is with...what is his name again?" She asked looking to Peighton.

"Chrys..." She said as she finished basting the chicken and put it in the oven. "Though...I don't think you know yet do you?" Peighton asked her mom.

"Know what?" She asked then narrowed her gaze. "You're keeping something from me" She said suddenly with a look of annoyance.

"Not so much keeping as...oh hell, okay I am keeping something from you, only because I know dad will march next door and kill someone." She joked.

"What does that mean Peighton?" Phoebe asked in a worried tone. She could tell her daughter was holding back with the information and that bothered her. "Just spit it out" She added her hands now on her hips.

"Patty and Chrys, they moved in next door...I am surprised you hadn't noticed." She said wincing as she waited for Sirius to flip his lid.