May 12th, 2008

[info]constntsurprise in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Angela and OTA (Especially other Bones peeps)
Where: The diner
When: Midday
What: Relaxing.
Rating: TBD

It had been a while since Angela had seen anyone but Jack, and that worried her. It wasn't that she liked to keep tabs on the others, but it was nice to know where they were and if they were safe.

Deciding that if she didn't take matters into her own hands they would never meet, Angela sent a text message to everyone and invited them to lunch. Now all she had to do was hope that they showed up, and pray that she didn't look like a lonely fool sitting in the diner by herself.

[info]angeliclilrose in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Anabella and Open
Where: Willow's front yard
When: Afternoon
What: Enjoying the weather
Rating: Dude, she's 8 lets go with PG at the most.

Anabella had asked if she could play outside and Spike couldn't have cared less when he waved her off. Something along the lines of do whatever you want kid. Honestly she had contemplated turning him into an undead popcicle, but knowing that Tara and Willow would freak as well as her dad she opted not to. Since she technically had permission Anabella grabbed a few things to play with and went out into the front yard to play.

After a while of playing with her toys Anabella decided to do something a bit more fun, of course this meant using her ability on unsuspecting plants and insects. Having moved to a nearby rose bush she laid down on her side, one arm resting beneath her head for cushion, her other aimed at the rose bush, her finger tracing the petals of the rose and in its path leaving a thin trail of ice in its wake.

Though Anabella knew she should be careful there was a small part of her that couldn't seem to help wanting to see how long she could get away with this.

[info]sweetbeauty in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Patty and OTA involved in planning the wedding.
Where: The Inn's dining room
When: Midafternoon after lunch rush
What: Planning a wedding
Rating: PG13 at most.

Patty had worked everything out, she hoped. She had the bridesmaids dresses picked out, and even got Peighton's wedding dress with the help of the Doctor and Elle, now all she had to do was get everyone to agree on a place and the rest of the minor details.

There was a part of her that felt like she was missing something, one detail that wasn't right, but Patty had to ignore that. She had to ignore that mainly because there was an even bigger fear, one that if they didn't plan this just right something was going to go horribly wrong.

[info]seensomuch in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Tish and The Doctor
Where: The TARDIS
When: Evening
What: A proper talk
Rating: TBD

Tish knew that her sister thought she was mad, but she couldn't help it, she just couldn't hate the Doctor. Deep down Tish knew that even her sister didn't truly hate the Doctor, she was just disappointed and hurt by the choices he made.

Deciding that she needed to talk to him properly, find out why he had done what he did and see why it was she couldn't hate him. The only place she knew she would be guaranteed to find him though was the TARDIS so she had to search it out. It didn't take her long, it was hidden in the alley beside the theater.

Tish couldn't help but think this was an odd place for it, but didn't dare voice it, she was just thrilled that she found it.

[info]lyndawithay in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Lynda, The Doctor, Willow, and Oz
When: Evening
Where: Heading to a coffee shop.
What: Meeting someone new
Rating: PG13 at most.

Lynda has just finished her last class and needed to talk to Willow about her final. As she went to reach for Willow's office door she noticed someone else reaching at the same time. "Oh..sorry.." She said immediately backing away nervous.

Oz hadn't been able to resist the temptation of seeing Willow in action. The idea of her teaching was rather amusing, because it seemed far too 'grown up' for any of the Scoobies. He hadn't been expecting to be beaten to it, but, when the young woman crashed into him he caught her by the upper arms to stop them both toppling over. "Hey!" he said, then grinned, "It's ok, no harm done."

She pulled out of his grasp and backed away. "I'm sorry...really."

Wow, she spooked easily, didn't she? "Really, it's fine," he assured her, then, in an attempt to calm him down a little, "I'm Oz. You in Willow's class? Sorry, 'Professor Rosenburg's' class?"

carefully pulling her sleeves down so that the scars couldn't be seen she looked down. "H..Hi." She said. "She won't let us call her Professer Rosenberg." She added. "Says it makes her feel old."

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[info]andrew_sidekick in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Andrew Wells and River Tam
Where: Local bar
When: Early evening
What: Soon-to-be drunken conversation
Rating: PG-13

Andrew really needed to get out. The last time he went to the bar he got into a tiff with Wyatt, Dawn's baby daddy and that wasn't so much fun. And just recently he got into a tiff with Angelina, the little girl staying with Willow and Co. whose bite is much worse than her bark. She almost literally froze Andrew to death, but thankfully Tara Maclay, back from the dead, saved him. Too bad he made some snappy remarks - in his shocked state - about the little girl being a 'devil child and all' that got Willow, the little girl and possibly Tara upset and forced him the leave.

So here he was, standing outside the doors contemplating his lonely boring life and yearning for a drink.

Sure, teaching could be fun at times, but deep down, he really missed the old gang. Those of which being Johnathan and Warren. He missed the antics they would get themselves into...well not so much antics more so criminal activities but still, they had fun together...and now two of them were dead and the other a teacher. What a weird twist of events.

Andrew walked into the bar and sat down at a booth and ordered a Smirnoff Ice.

...And so began a depressing drunken-filled evening full of loneliness and despair.