April 25th, 2008

[info]henrymitchelljr in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Henry Jr and Liz
Where: The Diner
What: Catching up with his sister.
When: Late afternoon
Rating: TBD

Since he arrived in the strange little town Henry hadn't had a chance to sit down with his sisters or hell even his mom and talk. Part of him wanted to continue to hide from his insane family, but he knew that would only last so long and he couldn't bear to be away from his sisters for too long.

Since he hadn't had a chance to actually spend time with them alone he sent a text to both telling them he would be at the diner and he wanted to see them. Part of Henry knew the girls probably had plans, but he hoped that at least one of the two would show up.

[info]red_watson in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Mary Jane Watson, George Weasley, any other Weasleys
Where: Joke Shop
What: MJ comes to visit and see the shop, the muggle friendly part
When: Friday Afternoon
Rating: PG 13 at most, this is Mary Jane and George so plenty of humor

Mary Jane checked the paper to make sure this was the right place. As she opened the door she called,"George! It's MJ and I have a report about those candy frogs I sent to Peter and Harry" using her nickname to ressure it was only her. She took a look around the shop and called a hello to Ginny who was restocking some shelves nearby. Of course she has no idea more of her friend's family have hit town since the night they talked a week or so before.

[info]hismotherseyes in [info]taintedsprings_

Who: Harry, Henry, and Liz
Where: the alley by the shop
When: Evening
What: Brother defending his sister, though Liz didn't really need it. Oh and Harry gets beat up too.
Rating: Lets go with PG13... for now.

Harry was aware that Hermione wasn't the only one he had been avoiding, he knew he hadn't spent time with Liz either, and for that he felt bad. It wasn't like he consciously said Hey, I think I will ignore my girlfriend for a while. It was simply that he needed some time to think about all that had happened. From the sudden arrival of all of Sirius' kids that he didn't know he had, his mum arriving back from the dead, and wondering how he would tell his friends about her, it was all just too much.

Harry knew he should confide in Liz, tell her what happened, but just like his fear of telling Hermione he worried she would think him mad. The logic behind that seemed to fail though, even Harry saw that, for example his girlfriend that he worried so much about telling was from the future, also out of her time. So why wouldn't she understand? Finally deciding that he had been fearing something that didn't need to be feared Harry decided he was going to find Liz and take her out for dinner and tell her what had been bothering him.

That was where he was headed after leaving the shop, to find Liz, to make things right. Instead Harry was grabbed from behind and pressed against a wall by someone that seemed very familiar, but without knowing if he was a wizard or witch Harry wouldn't, or couldn't use magic on him.

"You think you are too good to treat my sister right?" Asked the voice as something solid collided with Harry's face. "She is the best thing that could happen to you and you have ignored her." Added the voice followed by another solid hit in the face which managed to shatter Harry's glasses.

"I don't know...." Was all Harry could say before he was punched in the stomach and all the wind was knocked out of him. The funny thing was that Harry should be used to this, should be able to fend for himself when it came to a hand to hand battle, after all the years of practice with Duddly, but this was different and unexpected. "Who are you?" he finally managed as he moved to defend himself, managing to get in one solid punch.

"You don't know who I am?" The voice asked as he finally came into the light and revealed that it was Liz's brother Henry. Suddenly this was all making a kind of sense that wasn't. All Harry had done was take some time to himself, to deal with what had been happening.

Or maybe that was his justification and he really did deserve this, but if he did he would rather it come from the person he had actually hurt. "Liz's brother." Harry finally managed as he tried to get away but Henry managed to get in three more punches straight into Harry's face. The feeling of fist colliding with his cheek, eye, temple, all was intense and painful. So painful infact that it made it hard for Harry to focus.

Certainly he could pull his wand out and stop Henry, he could use magic in this case as Henry was also magical, but something seemed so very wrong about it. Instead Harry managed to push him off and in the one second he had he called for Liz, yelling out her name, his voice pleading for her to come and stop her brother who seemed to have lost his mind.

"Can't fight your own battles Potter? If you think my sister is going to save you now, after what you have done, you are wrong." Henry said angrily as he rushed towards Harry to throw him into the wall.

It was the mere act of calling him Potter that sent him over the edge and Harry, in a fit of new found rage, grabbed Henry's arms and pushed him back into the opposite wall and whipped out his wand, though he hated doing this, shouted. "Stupefy" which sent a jolt towards Henry, hitting him directly in the chest and slamming him into the wall. Henry melted to the ground stunned and disoriented and Harry fell back against the opposite wall also sinking to the ground bleeding and possibly broken.

"Liz" He said weakly praying that she would show up.