February 3rd, 2008

[info]loopy_lovegood in [info]taintedsprings_

WHO: Luna Lovegood and OTA (especially Hogwarts friends and Draco)
WHAT: First Off Campus Outing
WHEN: This Afternoon
WHERE: Somewhere in Town
STATUS: In Progress

After making sure her wand was well hidden in her purse Luna made a small step into getting her life back, she went into town for art supplies and a few snacks. Most would think the petite blonde was just quirky and the brace on her left arm was something nice and normal. But Luna knew the truth and very few would understand the year she spent in St.Mungo's. *But your real friends do* she told herself. She does feel less alone knowing her friends are around now.

But she had been going stir crazy in the dorm and decided some time out might help,"Plus you might find people" she mused while walking. Her style had changed from a Hogwarts uniform to jeans and a pretty pale blue twin set, but it was still a very Luna outfit. As she stopped to take a one handed photo of some birds she could hear footsteps and flinched,still fearing the Death Eaters on some level.