Monday, January 21st, 2008


Archive Name: Phoenix Song
Author Only Archive? No
Moderated? Yes
Character/Pairing Centric? See Below
Het, Slash, or Both? N/A
Ratings Allowed: Up to R(US) 18(UK)
Restrictions - Posting by Invitation Only, Age Restricted, Etc: We open submissions on approximately a bi-monthly basis (depending upon contests, holidays, etc., as well), because it helps to make things easier on our betas and on our admins. It helps the betas manage their author load; it helps admins make sure everyone gets assigned their betas in a timely manner; and it helps make certain that uploads of betaed fics happen in an equally timely manner. Moving stories from submission to upload takes time, and we want to expedite that as well as we can.

Keep an eye on our home page for announcements regarding open submissions.

Read submission guidelines for ships allowed and rating guidelines.

Pairings – Limited to certain ships ref. to submission guidelines.
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