The Taariq's Journal

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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008
11:58a - Who wears the apron on this ship?
Who: Zip
What: Zip finishes up making dinner for the crew and survivors. Dinner is very important to him so he’s tried to make it look nice.
Where: Dining/ Kitchen
When: Dinner time, about 17:30
Warnings: None
Summary: Zip has managed to finish preparing the feast alone and now is ready to call the herd. Crew included in that sentiment .

Dinner )

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12:06p - *GONG*
Who: Zip and Open
What: Dinner time!
Where: Dining/ Kitchen
When: 17:31
Warnings: None
Summary: _______

Feel free to start up a new thread if your characters want to have a private conversation

Zip straightened up and walked over towards the intercom and held down the button. “Everyone, dinner is ready. Could you please come to the dining room so everyone gets their share?” He asked. “On tonight’s menu…” He began in a waiting voice, joking of course, “Is pasta, pasta and plenty of pasta in a delicate cheese sauce straight from the jar at the back of the cupboard.” He continued, “Flavours are spicy cheese, garlicy cheese. Tomato and cheese. Onino and cheese. And then just plain cheese. If you don’t like pasta and cheese you’re out of luck but we’ve got bread you can fill up on.” He added leaning against the wall. “For drinks we have a selection of cheap ass wine that can double up as paint thinner in emergencies.” He continued his droll. “A number of beer bottles some of which I haven’t seen for years so should get you royally drunk.” Ah, alcohol would get a stampede. If not that, then the cakes would! “For dessert people, we have cake. Yes, I repeat. We have cake.” He smirked. “That is all.” He let go of the intercom and took of his apron and put it up on the hook. He rubbed his metallic arm and flexed its fingers. Pistons, valves, cogs and gears making them move. He’d briefly seen most of them, but a lot of them hadn’t seen him. He’d considered wearing a long sleeved shirt to hide most of the implants, but he couldn’t keep that up for the whole journey. So he was wearing a white vest. Nothing was hidden there.

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Who: Sway and Open
What: Looking for the captain, mechanic, or pilot
Where: The Bridge
When: A little before dinner
Warnings: ?
Summary: ...

It's everything I needed too, until I heard the news... )

current mood: hopeful
current music: Into The Airwaves - Jack's Mannequin

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Who: Sarah / Open
What: Dinner time!
Where: Anywhere but the Dining room / Board room
When: 17:31
Warnings: None

Sarah sighed, listening to the intercom she settled down further in her seat. She couldn't face the idea of food, she knew that the baby needed food. But she wasn't sure she did. She rubbed her stomach glad that the baby was at last sleeping. She wiped away her tears barely aware that they were falling.
All of her plans were ruined. It was hard to think that she'd ever get to go home at this rate, she opened the locket she wore around her neck, one half a photo of her family, the other, her tutor, the father.
She sighed hoping that everyone else enjoyed their food. That they'd sleep well. She knew she wouldn't.

current mood: depressed

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