The Taariq's Journal

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Saturday, April 19th, 2008
10:38p - A Secret Bookworm
Who: Brody and Open
What: Flying and reading
Where: Bridge
When: Evening
Warnings: None

Brody had missed the gathering of the crew on the bridge earlier that morning. Why? Because he was busy checking out the fresh meat that they had just picked up. If he had been there he would have been with Vivy on throwing them overboard. Well, the male ones anyway. The ladies could stay. A couple of those guys looked like they could snap Brody in half. That wasn't someone he wanted around while he was sleeping. Having a pregnant girl on board bothered him also. The girl looked way to young to be that pregnant. Some advanced race they were. Teenagers still couldn't keep their pants on. Now Brody on the other hand, he was old enough to play and he was open for a new playmate. If Farrah didn't kill him first.

Now he was back to doing what Farrah paid him for, flying the Taariq. Okay so right now he was leaning back in his seat, feet propped up, and a book in hand. Right now the ship was doing most of the work. Brody was just there incase something came up. It was also one of his favorite spots to sit down with a book. His bunk was full of books, the reason he kept most of the crew out of it, and he loved to read. He was absorbed in the book he was currently reading and didn't hear the foot steps of someone coming on to the bridge.

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10:47p - Hiding Out
Who: Charlie and Open
What: Charlie hides out in the engine room
Where: Engine Room
When: After dinner
Warnings: None

Charlie hadn't been at dinner. Normally she would sit with the crew just to try and feel like she was human but there were others on board. Others who would notice that she hadn't ate. Others who might notice that Charlie was a bit...odd. So she had skipped dinner and instead stayed in the engine room. She understood machines. What she didn't understand were humans. Her programming was still adapting, changing. For now it was best to stay away from the humans. If there was one thing she had learned from studying them it was that they feared what was different than them. This was all way Charlie lay in the hammock that had been hung up in the engine room, listening to the hum of the engine, and lost in her own mind programming.

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