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Thursday, April 17th, 2008
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Thursday April 17th 2794


The survivors of the Sophia have been rescued and now the worrying begins. A number of survivors are in the board room awaiting instructions of what to do, some crew members are guarding them awaiting orders. A number of officers are on the Bridge, injured survivors are in the Infirmary along with a few more crew members to watch over them.

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Who:Farah and Open
What:The crew and the Captain discuss what to do with the survivors
When: 10am
Warnings: Perhaps some bad language
Summary: A number of the crew and the Captain discuss what to do with the survivors. Vivy heads off to the Infirmary and the Captain and Rei head to the board room to discuss important issues with the survivors. Darcy has orders to sort out sleeping arrangments.

commence )

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