Amy's Beta Comm

tell me what to do

Journal Info

an unholy alliance of irony and porn
The Bunny Farm


February 27th, 2008

What you see is what you get?

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Hi! Looks like you've found my beta community. Interested in helping out?

Only those who are over 18 and have the info in their profile are welcome. All posts will be flocked, and many will contain porn.

Concrit is wanted and desired, from grammar and SPAG to larger issues of plot, characterization, and whatever else my betas need fixing.

In order to qualify as "constructive criticsm":
  • Comments should address specific issues within the fic or art with enough detail that I can make sense of them.
  • Comments should be with the same good grammar and spelling as the fic. If you can't spell "advice," I don't want yours.
  • Comments should be given for the purpose of improving the fic or art in question.
  • Comments on a fic or art piece should be given before it's posted. After that, unless it's to point out a typo, there's not a whole lot of point.
  • Comments should be given in a helpful tone, and it's preferable to leaven the really mean ones with a little bit of positive feedback. If I can't figure out why you bothered reading/viewing a piece at all, I won't be as likely to tailor it to your feedback.
  • Comments which criticize the existence of a specific, warned-for kink or pairing will be ignored. If I forgot a warning, please point it out, but if I warned for something you don't like, don't bother me with objecting after the fact, please.

Still there? Good! Membership is moderated, and will be granted whimsically based on silly things like actually being over 18, and someone whose username I recognize. If you feel you've been rejected unfairly you're free to comment here, and I'll try not to be mean to you.
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