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aim ; fallon starlet [26 Apr 2008|01:27pm]

Bonjour mes amis! I bring you Fallon Caris in the form of the lovely Miranda Kerr. I'm actually relatively new to the world of roleplay. OK, brand spanking new. I've been writing for years though through short stories, novels, poetry and song lyrics. And since writing is something near and dear to my heart, I thought this would be another great way to channel my passion! So enough of that silly drivel.

This girl is pretty much a blank slate as of right now. I have some concepts swimming around in my head but I'm very open to fresh ideas or if you need anything filled as well! I think it's better this way instead of already tying her down to a specific personality. So please do not hold back and if anything arouses in you, let me know!

All I really have figured out right now is that she's a student and is definitely going to be far from flawless. I think we could do without all those Mary Sues. And she will definitely be someone with complexities, insecurities, dreams, and goals just like any real female.

I just hope that you'll welcome me in to your tight-knit community and take a chance on writing with me. I will try my hardest not to disappoint.

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x0 cera [26 Apr 2008|09:34pm]
Hey everyone I'm Gia, and I've just brought in Cera Harris pb Rachel Bilson. She kind of has a shady past, becoming a bad girl that wasn't her at all. You can thank her ex boyfriend for that. Haha. Her parents got a divorce and then her mom got remarried not even a year later to a man she met randomly. Cera has hidden anger towards her mom, she always wanted her parents to get back together. She blames herself for the divorce because of all the trouble she got in when she was with her ex boyfriend. She's supposed to be a junior but was held back because of her grades slipping. She's actually really smart, but the ex boyfriend got her into drugs and other things that she just didn't care anymore.

Anyways, she's actually really nice once you break through her barrier. So, any and all storylines would be appreciated. Even if they just knew eachother barely through her cousin [info]joeyharris.

So just drop a comment my way or IM at x0 Cera.
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