sutton academy storylines' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
sutton academy storylines

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[09 Apr 2008|01:32am]
So, I'm thinking of bringing in Christina Ricci as either the Librarian or the Dean's Secretary, or maybe something else. I'm not really sure, yet. But either way she's going to need SL's. She's extremely friendly and refuses to put herself before others. She's quick to point out the positive in every situation, no matter how bad it may seem. As friendly as she is to everyone else she's very hard on herself and is known to be a bit of workaholic, to the point of causing herself to become fatigued from the stress. I know that isn't very much to work with, but if you have any ideas let me know. I'm open to anything.

Oh, yeah. It's Tracey. (Lucy and Coco.)
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