supersuits icons+design
If you use our icons, we'd love it if you dropped a comment to let us know! Please credit [info]supersuits when you use so that other people can find our posts. Thank you! ♥


January 26th, 2016


quick announcement!

Thanks to a new server for my icons and [info]spoilsofwar being a total badass and showing me how she does things (which is about a zillion times easier, if y'all were wondering), [info]heartlight's icons are going through a bit of construction. I'm going to be saving icons to my new server, consolidating a lot of my sets of the same person, updating the layout, and generally making my shit look nicer. Some iconsets may seem to disappear; if/when that happens, it's probably because I moved them all to one entry instead of a whole bunch. Thankfully, the directory links to the tag for the person, not the sets themselves.

ricky whittle (mistresses)

Ricky Whittle

43 Icons )

qunari inquisitor (dragon age: inquisition)

Qunari Inquisitor
Dragon Age: Inquisition

30 Icons )