Superbabies! Reference Pages

January 4th, 2013

Superbabies! Reference Pages

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January 4th, 2013

Character Roster: Tony

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Character Roster: Tony )

beau lebeau / rogue

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our little secret just might be the kind of thing that you can't hide / it's growing like a tangled vine & rising like a river in the tide )

karen murdock / daredevil

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i see i've surprised you with some of my words / and I know that surprises, while fun, still can hurt )

Non-Superhero Celebrities

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While all characters are children of the superhero community, not all of them choose to be superheroes. Some go on to do other things, sometimes with their famous parents giving them a (deliberate or accidental) career boost.

If your character is known to the public for reasons OTHER than being a superhero, comment here with the how and why!
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