Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Saturday, August 5th, 2017

    Time Event

    Well all know the story of Harry Potter! He triumphed over he who must be named when only an infant. Well things have changed now. Harry has just finished his sixth year of school and he had already lost three people he cared about to the growing conflict with the Dark Lord. Harry and his best friend Ron Weasley decided that this just wasn't right, so they stole a Time Turner and attempted to go back in time and change these events. Things went wrong and two eras in history merged together and Harry wound up attending school with his parents. The merging caused tears in the fabric of time and people from different dimensions and times started falling through into Hogwarts. To keep things contained the teachers of Hogwarts cast a protection spell around the school. People from the Wizarding School can get in with invitation, but no one can go past Hogsmeade.

    The new arrivals have two choices; they can stay on at the school and attend classes or even teach classes or they can move into the neighboring village of Hogsmeade and make a new life for themselves.

    [info]hogwartshouses is a Harry Potter game set in the Harry Potter world, blending the Marauder's era and Harry's school years. Game opens August 5th, so get your apps in today.

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