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Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

    Time Event
    The Devil's Back
    The year is 2020 and L.A. is on the brink of a rapidly escalating war. Once a place of uneasy tolerance between humans and the supernatural, a series of mysterious deaths have slowly built up tensions to the breaking point. Among the dead were members of the city's largest powers and families whose last moments have never been disclosed.

    Unbeknownst to them all the U.S government has sat up and taken note of the record high death toll that washed through Southern California over the course of a year. They have been watching, they have been discovering, but little do they know that even the police force are torn between rival factions and making an honest living. Complicating matters further is a rise in the presence of hunters whose intentions are presently unclear.

    The question is: are you ready for war?
    the devil's back

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