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Saturday, March 8th, 2014

    Time Event

    The world which you inhabit is under threat, though you couldn't possibly have begun to realize it yet. Tiny tears are appearing in the fabric of the universe and people from far flung dimensions have been torn from their realities, through these wormholes, and have been brought to this time and this space. Portland.

    Not the Portland with which you might be familiar with, however. This Portland exists hundreds of thousands of light years from the world you are from and the properties of this dimension are, as yet, unknown to you. Although familiar in many ways you will encounter things you couldn't possibly expect, or think could be real, and you will meet people with strange powers far different from any you have seen before.

    This is a world where anything is possible and all your dreams, or nightmares, might easily come true.


    The Portland Project is a pan-fandom role playing game set in an alternate universe version of Portland, Oregon.
    Wanted Characters

    The Vampire Diaries: Nadia Petrova, Bonnie Bennett, Jeremy Gilbert, Matt Donovan

    The Originals: Marcel Gerard, Camille O'Connell, Josh Rosza

    MCU: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan, Loki, Thor, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Sharon Carter, Sam Wilson, Timothy 'Dum Dum' Dugan

    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Melinda May, Grant Ward, Skye, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Mike Peterson, Victoria Hand, Jasper Sitwell

    Hemlock Grove: Roman Godfrey, Shelley Godfrey, Peter Rumancek

    Psych: Burton 'Gus' Guster, Juliet O'Hara, Karen Vick, Henry Spencer, Buzz McNab, Woody Strode, Marlowe Viccellio, Pierre Despereaux

    Doctor Who: Jack Harkness, Rory Williams, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, River Song

    Being Human (UK): Nick Cutler, John Mitchell, George Sands, Leo, Pearl

    Once Upon a Time: Emma Swan, David Nolan, Mary Margaret Blanchard, Henry Mills, Regina Mills, Mr. Gold, Belle, Captain Hook, Neal Cassidy, Tinker Bell, Dr. Whale, August W. Booth

    Sherlock: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Mary Morstan Watson

    Firefly: Mal Reynolds, Zoë Washburne, Hoban 'Wash' Washburne, Kaylee Frye, Simon Tam, River Tam, Shepherd Book

    Arrow: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, John Diggle

    Teen Wolf: Chris Argent

    Marvel 616: Franklin "Foggy" Nelson

    Glee: Sam Evans, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mike Chang


    Welcome to the Otherworld

    Welcome to the Otherworld

    The RPG



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    Available Races

    Werewolves (male)
    In your cities, in your towns, in your homes, in your beds…

    Around you, beside you, in front of you, behind you…

    We may look human, but we’re anything but.

    Welcome… to the Otherworld.

    Supernaturals have existed alongside humans ever since human history began. While the modern era allows for some of the old cautiousness to die down, the supernatural community remains a hidden and secretive microsociety. But for such a small population, serious rivalries and contentions remain.

    In the last few years, a new group calling itself the Interracial Alliance has been making strides in promoting peace between races by establishing a small headquarters in the metropolitan area of Vancouver, British Columbia.

    Word has gone out that this group offers sanctuary and help for those who need it. From helping teenagers cope with their emerging abilities, or hiding fugitives from those who wish them harm, the Alliance is an ideal employer for supernaturals seeking to escape into a safe zone.

    Meanwhile, the occult Black Market is in full swing here too, which tends to attract individuals more interested in power and domination than that “hippie shit.” Dangerous spells and arcane relics are being passed around without regards to the consequences or risks. And yet without such power, survival in the modern world may become more complicated... or even impossible.

    But is there something even more sinister lurking in the shadows, just waiting for the Otherworld denizens to let down their guard?

    Welcome to the Otherworld is an original character rpg inspired by the Women of the Otherworld book series by Kelley Armstrong. But you don’t have to be a fan to join. Game lore is restricted to descriptions of the supernatural races and their place within the world.

    Choose among several supernatural types and create your character profile. Engage in the main plot of the game, and/or collaborate with players to create your own.


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