Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Monday, October 28th, 2013

    Time Event
    In the spirit of the season and after listening to a great show on NPR, I've been inspired to try finding lines for my necromancer here. His profile info is forthcoming but he's a 26 year old sorcerer with the rare talent for necromancy. Right now he is working as a sorcerer-for-hire/magical consultant and is looking for some business. Possible storyline ideas are here although I would love to hear your ideas and characters as well. Anything from contacting the dead to performing exorcisms and curse breaking, Brenton can do so have your characters hire him for whatever haunts them. Here is a possible opener, just to give you a taste for my writing style. It is a bit longer than normal but should give an idea for how I write and Brenton as a character.

    Slash and threading only please.

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