Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

    Time Event
    Chain of Souls
    Chain of Souls.
    Looking for interest in a small, private game. There is room for a maximum 14 writer/players.

    The storyline is built around the allure of sin versus the desire to do good. Legion is a small town where angels pit themselves against their demonic counterparts, where a contest to gather seven souls for good or ill is in progress, a contest which will determine who shall rule the earth for the next thousand years.
    Even while there are demons and angels living in the town, they exist to act as a catalyst for the human drama; their pretence of humanity, internal strife and power struggles are a backdrop to that. Naturally they do have powers and as there's nothing worse than having a character with power and being in a setting where they're not permitted to let loose with it, in Legion there is a place where they can do just that.
    This not storytelling that is primarily about relationships in a small town or where the premise is never developed past opening day, though all these things are there to be explored, as is the motivation and psyche of the angelic/demonic characters.
    But stuff will happen so this is a setting for writers who want more than the usual romance/friends/family lines, who wish to explore desire and influence, what brings about sacrifice, and what makes people tick as well as bring their own plot ideas to the table.
    The aim is to have one side win and there are plans in place for continuing beyond that eventuality.

    Are you tempted?


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