Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Friday, October 11th, 2013

    Time Event
    Hey I'm looking to fill a storyline I want to brainstorm with interested players.

    It's be a 2+ player GPSL influenced by the World of Darkness rpg. To those who don't know, WoD is a particularly dark universe where vampires, werewolves, witches and other creatures exist and secretly control much of modern society. Satanic cults, necromancers, and demonic forces move in every shadow, seeking to fulfill whatever dark motives drive them. Humans are largely powerless, caught in the middle of forces they rarely understand.

    This would be about a group of humans encountering the supernatural the first time, and are forced to fight back, eventually becoming a group of hunters. Maybe they stumble on a satanic rite or encounter vampires feeding, but once they see it it can't be unseen. They could be a group of friends or total strangers bound together when they encounter an inexplicable horror. WoD lends itself to strange and interesting groupings, blue collar meets white; old and young; punks and preps.

    I'd love to brainstorm with people and start worldbuilding, if things work out we could get an ongoing psl going.

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