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Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

    Time Event



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    Most Needed Characters

    Scott Summers
    Jean Grey
    Ororo Munroe
    Katherine Pryde
    Lorna Dane
    Pietro Maximoff
    Charles Xavier and Erik Lensher have been missing for several years now, but even worse than that Charles' school was destroyed in the war between mutants and humans. Now the only safe place in the world is Genosha Island. Scarlet Witch has taken over the place, and she is a more benevolent ruler than her father ever was. Genosha is the only place in the world where mutants and humans can live together in peace. Out in the real world mutants have to hide who they are or choose to be persecuted by the masses. Genosha is the only safe place in the world for everyone. It all sounds good right? So, it must be true. It is...or at least on the surface it is.

    Underneath the belly of the city something is going wrong. Mutants and humans alike are going missing. No one knows where they are being taken or who is taking them...not even The Scarlet Witch. Mutants have started blaming the humans and the humans have began to blame the Mutants. The peace is now on rocky ground.

    The Scarlet Witch was determined to save her people, so she became desperate and tried the very thing that was the most dangerous. After consulting the Oracle she learned of a way to stop the disappearances, or that is what she was made to believe. She couldn't have known that the Oracle was working for Mystique the entire time. The Scarlet Witch used her darker magic to open what she thought was a portal to a safer world for her people, but it turned out that the portal was actually for someone to come to Genosha. Mystique had gotten what she wanted...the return of Magneto, but The Scarlet Witches Powers were too great. She actually wound up opening all of the portals, and new strangers began showing up in Genosha. How will the return of Magneto affect the peace on Genosha? How will the other new arrivals fit in?

    [info]genoshamods is a panfandom community based in the Marvel Universe.

    GAME BEGINS 9/20. Join today>>>>>

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