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Monday, August 5th, 2013

    Time Event

    How will Starling City cope with this catastrophe?

    Three months ago in Starling City, the east sector of the Glades was destroyed by The Markov Device Starling City decided that the Glades weren't worth saving. And once the gangs started to take over, fighting for control over the Glades, nothing could be done. Starling City officials decided to wash their hands of the Glade, declaring it the waste lands. The devastation was too much for the city to handle, and the sub-areas fell under gang control.

    Meanwhile, in a world of no magic, all the extra energy was buried into the core of the Earth. When The Markov Device shook the core of East Glades, it caused a leaked, and the energy seeped out within the old tunnels. Enough energy has gathered now, and a portal has opened up that no one is currently aware of, which is drawing in random people from random places and times.

    How will Starling City cope with this catastrophe? And how will our wayward travelers cope with suddenly being in a city as dark and dangerous as this? These are the questions, that the people must face. Alliances will be formed and broken. Can anyone save the city now?

    Wanted//Rules // Held // Taken


    Blame it on poor leadership, or America's need for excess. To claim ownership of those material things; the water and land and resources. That which wasn't always ours to gather up and put our name on. This wasn't just our world to use up, abuse and strip and mine. As humans, we were doing little to make a better world for all that we were taking.

    The Authority, as we would come to know them, took matters into their own hands. A collective representation of species more evolved than our own has taken our freedoms from us. For our own good. Humans are now with purpose, be it for food or labor, companionship or entertainment, they have been tagged and gathered up. And auctioned to the highest bidder.


    PremiseHeld/TakenApplication WantedFAQsSpecies/World
    A penal colony in the 1800s, a coal city during the 1850s, a P.O.W. camp in 1861, and a resort following the closing of Toluca Prison -- Silent Hill was known for many things, both good and bad, but it would be the strange activity of the following century that brought it the most notoriety.

    People went missing. A ship, the Little Baroness, went missing on Toluca Lake and it's fate unknown. Staff members of the tourist destination were found dead. They were all ruled as accidents, but rumors began circling about the small town that there was another party to blame than happenstance: The Order.

    Without rhyme or reason, people have been turning up in Silent Hill under mysterious circumstances. Lost in a pea soup fog that floods the area, it seems there is no escape from the sleepy town. The bridges, they're out. The ships, gone. The radios, unreliable at best. The history of these new arrivals are unknown, their ties to the city just as well, but one thing is for certain: There is a reason.

    Welcome to Silent Hill. Welcome home.

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