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Sunday, July 21st, 2013

    Time Event
    The Good Folk

    Boston, Massachusetts—Once the rallying point for those yearning for freedom and an end to oppression. These days Boston plays host to a different kind of downtrodden soul. These people are known as Changelings—humans spirited away by the cruel, twisted creatures known as the True Fae. Don't be deceived—these faeries are the furthest thing from Tinkerbell, and their once prisoners are now on the run from the twisted Wonderland known as Arcadia.

    The citizens of the Beacon Freehold are free for now—free to try to fit the tarnished pieces of their humanity back together and to come to terms with what they have experienced. But though they may have temporarily outrun their captors, the fear of the True Fae is never far behind them, and no Changeling can be sure if their freedom will last, or if the man who sells them out won't be their best friend...

    The Good Folk is based on White Wolf's Changeling: The Lost.


    How will Starling City cope with this catastrophe?

    Three months ago in Starling City, the east sector of the Glades was destroyed by The Markov Device Starling City decided that the Glades weren't worth saving. And once the gangs started to take over, fighting for control over the Glades, nothing could be done. Starling City officials decided to wash their hands of the Glade, declaring it the waste lands. The devastation was too much for the city to handle, and the sub-areas fell under gang control.

    Meanwhile, in a world of no magic, all the extra energy was buried into the core of the Earth. When The Markov Device shook the core of East Glades, it caused a leaked, and the energy seeped out within the old tunnels. Enough energy has gathered now, and a portal has opened up that no one is currently aware of, which is drawing in random people from random places and times.

    How will Starling City cope with this catastrophe? And how will our wayward travelers cope with suddenly being in a city as dark and dangerous as this? These are the questions, that the people must face. Alliances will be formed and broken. Can anyone save the city now?

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