Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Monday, July 8th, 2013

    Time Event
    [info]bizcity; Since one of our regulars is leaving RP entirely this guy, [info]darkfae, who was the potential future love interest of my girl here, is open for someone else to pick up. Our retiring regular would like to see him adopted by someone else rather than written out or killed in our game's SL.

    The game genre is modern supernatural (witches, vampires, were-creatures, etc) with a playable fantasy side (Faeries, Dragons, etc) and has been around since 2010. Leave a message in my drop box if you're interested! I'm willing to work it so that nothing comes of this 'relationship' and let [info]darkfae pursue someone else in the game if the new player wants. Don't feel obligated if you adopt him!

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