Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Monday, June 17th, 2013

    Time Event
    They had thought it to be the apocalypse, a series of catalytic events that would bring about the destruction of man kind and usher in a new age of life on the planet Earth.

    What happened was a lot more chaotic. (...)

    The year is 2124 and, while many citizens have forgotten the war that had put them behind those walls, the supernatural is still as much a part of their lives as it was before. They lie in wait in darkened allies, established cities of their own in the wastelands outside of Metroplis' walls, and even find their own ways into the city while many humans, tired of the government's and the Sacellum's control over their lives, take to the wastelands to make a life for their own. Here, they are lawless, unprotected, but perhaps it isn't as dangerous as those of Metropolis are lead to believe.

    ~thesacellum, an original supernatural game set place in the fictional city of Metropolis and the surrounding wastelands, home to not only pioneering humans, but the vampires, werewolves and other supernatural creatures that reside throughout it. Now accepting holds! Next adds on June 22nd!

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