Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Friday, April 26th, 2013

    Time Event
    Good group, will write!
    Looking for a place in an active games/lines that leans towards supernatural, paranormal, and/or fantasy without jumping through a long line of application hoops or being restricted on what my journal name is. Not looking for PSLs at the moment as I'd prefer to thread with a group of people who are fairly active. I tend to write longer posts and detailed responses, but if that's too overwhelming, I'll adjust to suit my writing partners. Typically, I do not end threads, I will keep writing until my partners to tell me when to 'wrap it up' or close a thread to move onto a new one. Would prefer to not have to do the storytelling for a change and play an active, but passive, role in someone else's SL. Throw some wanted lines at me if you're interested and I seem like a good fit for your game/lines.

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