Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

    Time Event

    [info]bizarre_city is an original concept game, around since 2010, in an urban setting environment with a supernatural edge running alongside a fantasy theme. If you've ever wanted to play a human stumbling across a supernatural for the first time or even someone who hunts them for a living going about their life, this is the place to be.

    We've a premise that divides the world of men and science from the world of magic and legends. It's called The Veil. We're looking for a few more active players to join the game by filling one or more of our Wanted Lines:

    Specific Character Lines/Tie-Ins )

    The game works cohesively with other players OOC to plot over AIM or through dropboxes to help everyone meet an In Game want. For more information, please go here. We'd love to welcome anyone interested in joining us who wants a long-term home!

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